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Veterinary Services

Pet Dermatology

Skin issues are not just a human problem they can also plague our pets and cause weeks of frustration.

Dog and Cat Allergy Treatment In Springfield, MO

We understand this problem all too well, as we’ve seen many dogs and cats with allergies and skin disorders over the years. Therefore, you don’t have to manage this problem alone our team is well-versed in diagnosing and treating skin problems in pets and helping them experience a life free of itching and irritation.

A dog standing on a rocky path

What is Causing My Dog’s Skin Problem?

Along with wanting to give your pet immediate relief, you probably want to know what, exactly, is causing their suffering. And so do we! While various skin conditions in pets may appear similar on the surface, they can’t necessarily be treated in the same way. Often, the conditions we treat are the result of:

  • Seasonal allergies
  • Food allergies
  • Flea allergy dermatitis
  • Yeast infections
  • Allergies related to parasites

As you can see, pet allergies and skin conditions are often intertwined. This is important, because treating just the symptoms will not resolve the allergy issue.

Call our West or East location and schedule your next consultation with one of our veterinarians.

Flea and Tick Preventatives Can Prevent Flea Allergy Dermatitis

Flea allergy dermatitis is a common problem, but one your pet can easily avoid if they receive their flea and tick preventatives on a routine basis throughout the year. This condition can only occur if a flea actually bites your pet. Some dogs and cats are naturally hypersensitive to flea bites and develop severely itchy skin as a result. This itching is caused by certain chemicals found in flea saliva.

Recognizing Skin Disorders in Pets

The most obvious signs of a skin disorder include bald patches in the coat that appear red and raw, excessive shedding, and constant licking/chewing of the feet. Some pets may also give off an unpleasant odor. In more severe cases, the continuous licking and scratching will break down the skin barrier and leave them at risk for bacterial infections.

Detecting your pet’s problem at an early stage can greatly reduce or prevent their risk of infection, and make their condition much easier to manage.

A dog with a speech bubble

Building an Allergy Treatment Plan for Your Dog

We’ll take all the time you need to get to the bottom of your pet’s condition and find a treatment that works. Our veterinarian might recommend allergy testing for your pet. These tests may include performing in-house tests such as skin scrapes or cytology, or sending samples to a specialty lab for testing. For the most complete care, we use both in-house and outside laboratory services.

Allergies can’t be permanently cured; however, they can be managed extremely well with medications prescribed by your veterinarian. A double treatment that includes targeting the symptoms and the underlying allergy is much more likely to succeed.